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A bolgár Bulgarian Real Estate Advertising nevű cég megkeresése – befektetési lehetőség, raktár, gyárépület



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MKIK Hírlevél

A bolgár Bulgarian Real Estate Advertising nevű cég megkeresése – befektetési lehetőség, raktár, gyárépület

Dear colleagues, 

My name is Petar Petrov and I am the Executive Director of BREA.BG  (
BulgarianRealEstateAdvertising )

We would like to introduce a superb opportunity to invest and develop
your business in terms of your demands and requirements.
The property as represented to you is unique in offering potentials in
terms of the terrain and the buildings contained therein.
There multiple options for functional distribution of warehousing areas
and manufacturing halls.
A fact that makes this property a most attractive investment and
business site is the location of the property and its perfect developed
transport infrastructure.
The property is situated a few kilometers from the European highway Е
79, approximately 8 to 10 km from Danube Bridge 2 adjacent to Port
Vidin, and at the railway track (as part of the railroad infrastructure
of the Republic of Bulgaria), located in this case onsite of the
property. This would enable construction and use of onsite handling
point, being quite convenient, inexpensive and practicable in reference
to the location of the property.
The railroad located inside the property is part of the railway system
connecting Bulgaria and Romania with Europe.

 The purpose of Romania and Bulgaria is to ensure a route for the entire
railroad traffic from Western Europe via Danube Bridge 2. This in itself
is a unique objective for development of business for the entire region.


Another significant advantage for business environment and opportunities
is availability of workforce in Vidin.
And since most of the enterprises have already been privatized, and as a
result of it the development of the city has naturally been prevented
some years ago. However, at present the situation has changed due to its
location near the Danube Bridge 2 and the fact that the banks of the
Danube are becoming attractive for European investors.


At the same time, highly qualified staff can be recruited in Vidin in
relation to its industrial background.
The average salary at present is one of the lowest for the country, this
being an additional reason for attracting investors.
The mayor of the city and the administration are most welcoming to
investors in the region, which is another great advantage that ensures
facilitation of procedures.
Please find attached several images taken 10 days ago, plus a
description of the property and the building

Should you take a serious interest, we will attach all documents
required in evidence of title, boundaries of the property according to
cadastral maps, and others, and we can further meet you for an onsite
visit of the enterprise.
We remain at your disposal for any queries related to our offer.

The site has an area of 82 decares and represents a part of the former
canning factory *Vida plod*. It is situated in the southwest part of the
town, in the specialized western industrial zone, with borders at:
East * the site of Melnitsata and commercial complex Asco Denitsa
*non-functional; West * water pump manufacturing plant * operated at
30% capacity;
North * the site of Vinprom* non-functional;
South * railway track to Sofia
Property type and description:
The site has the following existing main buildings:
- administration * in four levels, underground floor 34 rooms, 9 WC*s, a
shower room
and a wash room.
- kitchen unit * kitchen plus diner;
- manufacturing sections (previously) - *sterilization*, *vacuuming* and
*juices*; - storage facilities * for finished goods, shipping sections
and packages;
- onsite railway track with a handling site;
- vehicles, external WC, bar, 2-off weigh scales for heavy duty
vehicles, etc.
These buildings are components of the new manufacturing plant, and were
built after 1960. There are several existing buildings of the old
factory, built in around 1948, semi- demolished and unusable.
In 2008, the site was subdivided in four regulated Land Plots (RLP*s),
as follows:
- RLP 10971.513.75 with area of 7022 sq.m for use as a manufacturing and
warehousing site;

* -  RLP 10971.513.76 with area of 56 838 sq.m for use as a
manufacturing and warehousing site;

* -  RLP 10971.513.77 with area of 4264 sq.m for use as overpass;

* -  RLP 10971.513.78 with area of 14 256 sq.m for use as a
manufacturing and
warehousing site;
12-off non-reusable existing buildings have been deregistered and
declared to be demolished; at present eight of these have been removed.


     Description of building assets:
I. Administration and auxiliary buildings:
1. The adminsitration building is a massive built, four level building
with reinforced concrete structure, with built-up area of 303,10
sq.m,located in northeast part of the subject property; it includes
seven room in each floor * offices and auxiliary premises, and a partial
underground floor.
2. A massive single-floor building - diner, with reinforced concrete
structure, , and built-up area of 333,50 sq.m,located in northeast part,
it includes the following premises * a diner room, two washrooms and
auxilairy premises.
3. A massive single-floor building - diner storage , with built-up area
of 54 sq.m,located in northeast part ; it includes two storage rooms, a
cold room, auxiliary premises and a partial underground floor.
4. A massive single-floor building - a store with built-up area of
101,20 sq.m,located in northeast part, with two premises.
5. A massive single-floor building - access control point, with built-up
area of 12,30 sq.m,located in northeast part; it includes one room.
The above group of buildings has its border at the following adjacent
properties: North * property with cadastral No. 4368 owned by Novoselska
Gumza *AD-Vidin; East - a site without existing buildings, an overpass
to Panonia boulevard, and property with cadastral No. 904 owned by
Vitaprot-AD-Kostinbrod; South - a site without existing buildings and
Sterilization section; West - a site without existing buildings.
II. Sterilization section:

1. A massive single-floor building - sterilization section, with
reinforced concrete structure and built-up area of 3 010 sq. M, located
in the southeast part; it includes one manufacturing room-*Hall*, fruit
coldroom, laboratory, auxiliary rooms and a loading platform/ramp, a
full size underground floor.

2. A massive three-floor building, with reinforced concrete structure
and built-up area of 1462.30 sq.m, located in the southeast part,
comprised of: floor 1 * two manufacturing premises (halls); Floor 2 *
three offices and a storage rom; Floor 3 * one office, a meeting room
(club); a storage; a partial underground floor.

3. A massive double-floor building - jam section, with einforced
concrete structure and built-up area of 218.90 sq.m, located in the
southeast part, comprised of one manufacturing hall.

4. A massive single-floor building Hunister, with builtup area of 791
sq. m, located in the southeast part, comprised of one manufacturing

5. A massive single-floor building Palletizer, with builtup area of
315.50 sq. m, located in the southeast part, comprised of one
manufacturing hall.

6. A massive single-floor building - an office for Hunister and
Palletizer , with builtup area of 26.90 sq. m, located in the southeast
part, comprised of one room.

7. A massive single-floor building with builtup area of 186.20 sq. m,
located in the southeast part, comprised of one manufacturing hall and a
handling platform/ramp.

8. A shelter plus sterilization section, with builtup area of 427.80 sq.
m, located in the southeast part .

9. A massive single-floor building - finished product warehouse , with
reinforced concrete structure, with builtup area of 3112 sq.m, located
in the southern part, comprised of a warehouse hall, an office, a
workshop, and a ramp; with adjacent propertiesfor the group of buildings
representing the sterilization section : North - a terrain without
buildings; East* a terrain without buildings; and an overpass to Panonia
boulevard; South - a terrain without buildings; and a railway track;
West * Vacuuming section.


     III. Vacuuming section:

1. A massive single-floor building - Vacuuming section, with builtup
area of 1699.60 sq.m, located in the southwest part, comprised of two
manufacturing halls, a shelter, two storage rooms, offices and a
ramp,plus an underground floor.

2. A massive double-floor building with builtup area of 66.70 sq.m,
located in the southwest part, being part of the hall as per clause II.

3. A massive single-floor building with builtup area of 125.50 sq.m,
located in the southwest part, comprised of two storage rooms.

4. A massive double-floor building with builtup area of 349.70 sq.m,
located in the southwest part of the subject property No. 945, comprised
of a manufacturing hall in floor 1 and offices located in floor 2.

5. A massive double-floor building with builtup area of 248.60 sq.m,
located in the southwest part, being a manufacturing hall of the
vacuuming section.

6. A massive single-floor building with builtup area of 75.80 sq.m,
located in the southwest part, comprised of a manufacturing hall.

7. A massive double-floor building with builtup area of 1144 sq.m,
located in the southwest part, comprised of a manufacturing hall in
floor 1 and a tinware section in floor 2 plus an underground floor.

IV. Juices section:
1. A massive single-floor building * juice section with builtup area of
1533.40 sq.m, located in the northwest part, comprised of one
manufacturing hall, offices, storage, changeroom and auxiliary premises.
2. A massive single-floor building * finished product warehouse with
builtup area of 639.80 sq.m, located in the northwest part, comprised of
one warehouse hall and an office.
3. A massive single-floor building * mechanical repair shop with builtup
area of 36.50 sq.m, located in in the northwest part, comprised of three
4. A massive single-floor building * package material storage with
builtup area of 794.40 sq.m, located in in the northwest part, comprised
of one warehouse hall and an office; with adjacent properties being the
group of buildings of the juice section, North * a shelter * tank farm,
and the property of Novoselska Gamza- AD ; East * a terrain without
buildings; West * buildings * road transport .
V. Buiuldings * road transport:
1. A massive single-floor building * garage with builtup area of 617
sq.m, located in the northwest part, comprised of three double stand,
two single stand and one triple stand halls, including a cell mechanical
repair shop plus two offices.
2. A massive building * a warehouse with builtup area of 51.60 sq.m,
located in the western part, comprised of two premises, with adjacent
properties of the group of buildings: North- packages storage No. 9
refer to the schematic diagram, East * juices section; South * a terrain
without buildings; West - Vipom*AD.
VI. Other buildings:
1. A shelter * weigh scales with builtup area of 143.5 sq.m, located in
the northwest part.
2. A massive single-floor building * weigh scales with builtup area of
11.20 sq.m, located in the northwest part , comprised of one room.
PRICE: 3 500 000 EUR 

Should you take interest, kindly contact me for further details and
presentation of these properties. 

* I have made this proposal in my capacity of exclusive representative
and consultant of the lawful owner being a Bulgarian legal entity. 

The properties proposed entail no commission payments for the buyer and
the price of these will be determined by the lawful owner. 

Best regardsB R E A | Sofia | Bulgaria